Happy Father’s Day! 🩵🩵🩵

Happy Father’s Day to my favorite Dad-Randall Hartinger!🩵
I cannot find the words to describe how much I appreciate everything that you have done for us all, Dad! 
Dad, you’ve taught me so much… you have taught us to put Christ First & center our lives around God & His Word; for that, I am very grateful! ❤️
I am very blessed to have a Dad who can answer all of our Bible questions-due to your persistent studying & laboring of God’s Word.
I love, appreciate & admire your great zeal to stand for/defend the King James Bible!❤️
Thanks, Dad, for being the Patriarch & Leader of our home, and for being a faithful man of God willing to stand in the gap and fight for the truth! ⚔️ 
(Ezekiel 22:30)
Your amazing sense of humor, quick wit & awesome puns keep us all laughing! 😁

I love how you’re always encouraging us to find our gifts/talents & use them for God’s glory.
You’ve taught us to go the extra mile & do things
 “the Hartinger way.” 😉
Oh, and your always there to open jars (and such) for us too! Haha! 🙂
Final verdict: Dad, you are an amazing Father & I love you! Happy Father’s Day!❤️
All my love, Your daughter, Faith 🩷

“and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers...”
‭‭ Malachi‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

And I can’t leave out one of my favorite things about my Dad-  how he appreciates & supports our ballet dancing!🩰❤️
(Pictured below is our Dad leading us in a prayer before a dance we did…)



  1. Happy Father’s Day to your dad!
    Definitely an amazing man of God.

    1. Aww… thank you, dear Elizabeth!!🩵🩵🩵

  2. My Dearest Daughters,

    With a heart brimming with the utmost joy and gratitude, I pen this note unto you, my cherished damsels. Verily, Jesus Christ, preceding your mother, and then you, art the wellspring of my deepest blessings, and I esteem you above all else in my small circle (yet, the majority counting unfallen angels, citizens of heaven, and the remnant scattered abroad). Being that ye are all one, I shall refer unto you as the singular "thee" oft if thou canst forbear thy father's deep love for the King's (yea, Queen Elizabeth I) English. Thy very presence hath bestowed upon this lowly patriarch, made of dust and ashes, an abundant measure of joy, for thou dost possess extraordinary qualities that radiate with resplendence. Thy wit, charm, elegance, and grace, intertwined with thy talents in music, dance, and art, have indeed adorned my life.

    Yet, beyond these terrestrial endowments, I am compelled to remind thee of a greater verity. The Almighty Himself doth derive immense delight in the labour thou dost undertake for His Kingdom. Thy unwavering dedication to follow the teachings imparted by thy father, mother, and the humble congregation of our church hath not escaped the notice of our Heavenly Father, holy angels, heavenly witnesses, and frenemies from afar. In thy affirmations regarding my character, I discern a reflection of the divine presence that guideth me toward the True North, the Almighty God, and thusly grant all glory northward with bowed head and knee.

    Time would fail me to express, my cherished daughters, that by thy very existence, granted unto me by the benevolent hand of God, I have become a more excellent father. The love I bear for each of you transcends all explanation, and if it be the Lord's will to delay His MIGHTY RETURN, I beseech Him to place thee under the care of a righteous, faithful, man (patriarch). This man, handpicked by the Lord Himself, shall lead, guide, and bless his family on a daily basis. Moreover, he shall unwaveringly uphold the timeless truths of the King James Bible—the sacred Word of God and the God of the Word. Til then, let us be about our Father's business, occupying til He come, with fervent charity ablaze, full of oil of the Holy Ghost, battling the spiritual foes relentlessly, and praying for all intensely.

    With profound sincerity and the deepest wellspring of love,

    Thy Ever-Doting Earthly father, -r

    1. What a sweet comment, Dad!
      This was worded beautifully!!! 🩵
      Praise Jesus & thank you for the kind words!❤️
      Your daughter, Faith 🩷

  3. How sweet of all you girls to make a post about your dad. ✝️🙏🏻♥️

    1. Aww… thanks, Lynnette!❤️❤️

  4. Amen 🙏🏻


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