Some things you ought to know about The Common Man’s Reference Bible…

Okay, so I have a Common man’s reference Bible by David Hoffman. It’s nice. 🩵
My Dad gave me this black leather beauty for my 15th birthday & I’ve cherished it since!
(And it is signed by Hoffman himself… although, his pen wasn’t working properly, so it looks kinda scratchy!🫤)
Anyway, what I was gonna tell you all is this: 
I have the early two thousand’s edition of this Bible, but if you get a hard back recent edition, you’re going to be inundated with… Flat Earth propaganda! Yikes! Nah, I’m not a “flat earther” & never will be one!!! 
(Sorry, Samarra, if you’re reading this! I still love you!😘)

Flat earthers develop an acute case of cognitive dissonance & have a feeling of superiority & an “I know something you don’t attitude.” 
They put soo much into flat earth, that they refuse to ever reconsider or change their minds. (Even if proven wrong.)
Aka: The sunk cost fallacy. 
Well, I better not get too carried away! Just wanted to let you all know about this! 
Hoffman’s Bible is still really great… it’s kinda like a Ruckman Reference Bible.
(Except grandpa Ruckman has a lot more spunk, personality & humor!😉) 
Oh, & his notes in Psalms are REALLY boring… unfortunately. 



  1. Sorry, but flat earthers are so stupid. Actually, I’m not sorry. Yes, there are conspiracies in the world, but not all of them are true! Please use your brain, people! Sigh. The Bible teaches geocentricity but NOT flat earth! Period.

    1. I know, Hope! The Bible DEFINITELY does NOT teach flat earth!!!

  2. Wow, I have the hard back edition, I had no idea! Every guy has a Hoffman reference Bible. I’m definitely not flat earth, though.

    1. Oh really? Yes, if you’ve got the hardback version it will have flat earth notes galore! Sorry!
      You know, Hoffman used so many Ruckman teachings that he had to ask for Ruckman’s permission before publishing it!

    2. I didn’t even know that! Thanks for sharing.


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