Random pics from yesterday/ exhortation…🩵

You know, I’m sooo thankful to live up here on Bent Mountain where the community is as darling as they could be & everyone smiles and asks how you’re doing! 🩵
I love our community. 
I had a little cloud over me yesterday, so today I’ve determined to be in the best of humor and high spirits! 
Even tho it’s rainy and cloudy, I sprayed myself down with my “dancing in the rain” perfume and it’s going to be a really beautiful day!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
Well, I’ve got nine mine million things to do. Good bye! ❤️

I had fun turning the kid’s little table into a chalkboard top!
 & They’ve been playing with it ever since! 😁
Hosanna wrote me a little note on it with her approval. 🩵

I told Mom that I was too old to try anything at the park… but then, Dad was still having a good time… Eventually, I tried the swings. 




  1. Thank you! I needed this today!💕
    Yes, you're never too old to have some fun on the playground! Lovely and cute pictures!😍

    1. Aww… so happy to hear that! 🩵🩵🩵🩷🩷🩷

  2. Yeah and you know you will still play on playgrounds! Cute table!

  3. We went to a park that day too!
    The Pic of your dad going down the slide with his phone made me laugh, lol. I got on the swings for a minute too, for my children's entertainment. They get super happy if I join in with their playing. I also tried a spinning thing (not a merry-go-round) and almost fell off twice so I gave up on that. It was quite the sight, lol. 🤦🏻‍♀️


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