For: Olga 🩷🩰🤍✨

 Dancing is like a vibrant way to demonstrate an unexplainable expression of hope and possibility, where every step has the power to uplift and inspire! 🩰🤍🩷💕💖🤍

There’s hardly a way to express how dancing makes me feel!

Olga, sorry this took awhile! Enjoy! 🩷

Been so busy! Gotta run!

Joy the hen was interested in what we were doing! 😅

My dear old pointe shoes are ready to retire! 🥲

Fun fact: those are the same ones you see at the top of my blog. 


  1. This is beautiful, Faith. I really do appreciate the effort and design. It is really cute. I understand being busy.Life happens. I was at a summer Dance intensive and that’s why I have not been out here so no worries that it took you long to write it out. Thank you.

  2. Of course you are so welcome! 🩷
    Wow, that’s spectacular! Are you a part of a specific company? I’m in the middle of cleaning a chicken coop and then gotta leave for work! Like, sooo busy!!! Haha! Thanks so very much for reading my blog! It’s really special to me! 💖

  3. I love this so much! Adorable! 😍

  4. You did a great job, Faith!!! The hand lettering that y’all do is sooo amazing! I’m super impressed with the creativity you put into the photos too! And, I love seeing my Roo with those pointe shoes. Awwwwwwwww. ❤️❤️❤️🩵🩵🩵😘😍🥰🩰🩰🩰

    1. How sweet of you, Darling Hope!
      You are too kind, honestly! 🥰🩵🩷

  5. How very lovely!💕🩰


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