Happy Father’s Day to one amazing person! 🩵 updated… 🩵🩵

Hello on this glorious day! 

Today, in the presence of all good people (and, uhhh… perhaps bad), I would like to share my great appreciation and gratitude for one amazing man: Randall Hartinger! The best part? I get to call him (get ready…), Dad! 🩵🩵🩵

Dad, from the moment that I entered this world I have been blessed to be your daughter! 

How can I return my thanks for all that has been put into me? From the fervent prayers, the deep love, the kind support, the every day teaching, to being a little babe that was bottle fed by my Daddy! ❤️
Thanks, Dad, for being there through the thick and the thin, for staying strong no matter what, for being a light on the darkest of days, and for standing up for the truth & fighting for the right things. ⚔️📖❤️✨
You have taught us to never give up… no matter what! 
Your persistence has influenced me in more ways than you know.
And, oh! How I exceedingly love your incredible writing skills, your witty words! Your fun humour & your spiritual wisdom never cease to amaze me!
To a man whose relentless love for Jesus and His Word has inspired me beyond measure, I would like to say, Happiest of Father Days!!! 🩵🩵🩵

I remember specifically a special moment when I was desperately sad and heartbroken, my Dad put his arm around me, looked me in the eyes with tears in his, (while I sobbed on his shoulder) and said, “Don’t settle for less. God’s got the perfect man for each of my girls.” 
I… cried even harder! ❤️
How a girl like me got such a great Dad like you, I will never know…  Love you, Dad! 
All my love, Faith ❤️❤️❤️

P.s. If you have some nasty, sleezy remark to make, you can keep your stupidity to yourself!!!
Your wasting yours & my time!!!
Run on and get a life! 
I don’t look at anything you do!
Maybe you could go outside and, like, chop some wood for the first time in your life.
Or, would that hurt your little hands? Aw, better write a book on “how to be the world’s greatest jerk”! Yeah, that’d suit you better. 
Thank you very much. 

Each year Dad prays for his children on their birthday… I’m so blessed to have such a wonderful father! ❤️🥲
Virginia Beach outreach:
Washington DC outreach… 🩵
(With little me in the background)

Dad is a cowboy… sometimes at least! 😉
This is too adorable! Had to share! Dad & Mom back in the day…😍

So adorable! 
Happy Father’s Day to our beloved Heavenly Father!!! ❤️❤️❤️



  1. Amen. And I like those pics of the horse and brother Randall. Very neat. Happy Father's day.

  2. To all my beloved children, my quote unquote babies, and my Missing Rib Wife,
    I didst read these gracious tributes with blurry eyes as tears of joy welled up, and a smile didst rest upon my heart and visage. Who am I, mere clay in the Maker’s Mighty Hand, meek and malleable, to receive such nigh-perfect daughters and a Missing Rib of a wife? I say nigh lest the tempter tempt thee away from thy lovely humility. Thy tributes, pictures, and memories, quotes, resonate greatly within me and cause me to aspire to even higher heights of faith.
    Missing Rib, Heather, thou art fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.
    Hope, thou Prayer Warrior, thy prayers have shaken kingdoms, the kingdom of darkness, and thy petitions have graced the Kingdom of Light repeatedly. Thy loyalty is refreshing.
    Grace, thy recollections of my sayings were tear-jerkers, squeezing my heart. Thou art a faithful student of thy lowly father. Thy calligraphy and humor are a perpetual delight. Thou art an Abigail, a delight unto thy father.
    Faith, sweetness raised to the sixteenth power of charity, thy words encouraged me greatly this day.
    All of you, your acute ears to hear, your testimonies, your music, your art, your dancing, your daily Jesus adventures through the Eternal Scroll, your joyous countenance, your honour, complete this patriarch and compel him to the Chief Cornerstone, Christ.
    With heartfelt gratitude,
    -dad and dear hubby (aka, Randall, father to my beloved children and dear husband to my Bride)

    1. Aww… what a kind response! All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for any good that we have done! 🩷🩵🩷

  3. How special and touching!
    Put my little card to shame 😏
    The end made me crack up lol!


    1. I’m sure your card was as sweet as you! ❤️
      Aww, haha! It wasn’t meant to be funny, it’s to keep elstupidos from commenting!


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