Hava’s amazing dessert recently 🍓 and me being mean again

Last night I considered writing something out for you all,
then I thought to myself, no. 
Why should I? Half the people likely don’t even read what I write and the other half don’t even care.
So I wrote in my journal instead.
(To which I would certainly not share with you all or anyone else for that matter).
And you are all witnesses here, that if I die, my journal can be burned and not seen or read by any human being.
Then I wrote to the guy of my dreams.
I figure he likely doesn’t exist, so you all can burn that too when I die.
And so, I am in a moody mood today, feeling a good deal of self pity and am acting wickedly. 
May God forgive my wretched heart.
I feel quite sick today.
So unfair. 

On a sweeter note: 
Here’s Hava’s lovely keto dessert she made recently…
It was incredible. 
Good bye. 



  1. 🩵 Jesus thinks you're wonderful and beautiful. 🤗

    1. Awww… I was a wreck this morning!
      Thank you for being so kind & thoughtful, MJ! ❤️ This made me feel so special. I am afraid that being ill has left me weak and emotional.

  2. I meant to mention, too, that those pastries look good sister Havilah!

    1. I know, Hava did a terrific job! ❤️ They were stunning. Hava said to tell you that she looks “terrible” in that picture. I disagree of course.

    2. Lol, well I've decided to ignore the silly stuff you all say about your looks or "terrible" pics etc cause it's just so silly to me. 🤪

  3. You poor dear! 💕

    Hava seems to be quite the expert with keto desserts! 😋


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