Here we are, dear readers… 🩷🩷

So, last night I attempted to write out a blog post for my readers… My motivation levels were below zero.
Instead, I started my letter to a friend, and as you all (evidently) read them, here ya go! 
I hope no one gets offended by this or whatever.
I just figure it’s more interesting than a little life right now paper! Haha! 😅
Have a great day, my dear people! 💕



  1. I have gotta say that I do love reading these! Lol 😏

    1. Aww… I’m glad that someone in this world enjoys my writings. 😉🩷🩵🩷

  2. Yeah but like totally, I don’t need to look forward to your letters, Faith because I totally already read them out here! LOLLL!!! 😂
    I love them tho seriously
    Not everyone gets to read the whole thing.

    1. Okay!!! You. Gave. Yourself. Awaaaaaaaay!!!!!! You literally never leave me comments!!!! How am I going to over look this one? 😭

    2. I agree! You never come out till now! Aren’t i your fave Faith? 😏

    3. Oh my! Let’s not start a fight out here! It’s bedtime for yours truly! I didn’t know that you cared that much, lovely! 😅💕✨Goodnight, princess!

    4. Hey I’m a busy girl!
      You hear from me more than your commenters any time of day anyway. So there LOL

    5. Mhmm… so busy that you read my posts everyday! 😉
      Well, “The Girl”, as your letters at 943 times more lovable than your comments, you are exempt from commenting. 😘

    6. Btw: I meant *are 😅

  3. The way you write your letters though!✨
    Love it!

    1. Aw, thank you. For some reason I find it a thousand times more fun to write a letter than a blog post. 💕🌻✨


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