Random update… 🌻

 Hi, everyone! 

Been so incredibly busy that I haven’t had the chance to say much out here… Anyway, I hope you all are well. 🩷

I’m doing pretty good… I get upset with myself for having such emotions that lead your life. Passions and emotions can get in the way.

Thanks for visiting my blog everyday, it’s neat to see my stats! So many different countries and things.

I included a few pics of a massive branch that some of us girls and Dad sawed down with a rope saw! 

Dad: “Man! That was fun! Did y’all feel that in your biceps?!”

Me: “Yeah, I did actually.”

Dad: “Let me see your muscles!”

Me… flexing like a man. πŸ™ƒ

Dad: “Impressive! My girls are strong.” 

How… uhh.. flattering? 

Dads are a lot of fun though. Hava said that guys make everything better… I say it depends on the guy. 

Life has its fluctuations, up then down. You know, that stuff happens. No matter how tough life gets… God is bigger than any problem! 🩷


Wimpy compared to most, I know, but we actually snapped some pics of this one. 

Okay, it’s waaaay bigger than it looks in the picture, so don’t judge! Haha! πŸ˜…

Pictures don’t do it justice of how big it was but it was 16 inches around. 


  1. Awww this was a special read! You can get through anything I know you can! ❤️
    Beautiful work on the paper rope saws are a ton of work too!😏

    1. Aww… you’re too kind! Really. 🩷🩡🩷


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