Something just for… you! 🩵🩷🩵

Hello on this beautiful sunny day! ☀️🌻🌤️🌿
Soo… I decided to have you all pick something for me to write out… just for you! 
How exciting! Right? I hope… 🩵
So if you will, leave a word, a good quote or Bible verse in the comments below and I will personally write it out and post it… just for you! 
Wait! Stop! 
Don’t leave! 
You’re not exempt from this, sooo leave something. 
Please. 🩵
You’re helping me have inspiration for hand lettering! 🩷
Okay, can’t wait to hear from y’all!
Have a spectacular day!!! 🌻🩵
P.S. Don’t forget to be awesome. 



  1. Hmm. Maybe just "God is bigger". I've always liked it. Simple but profound. He's bigger than literally ANY problem we face.

    1. Okay, sounds like a plan! Thanks for sharing… I’ll have fun writing it out soon here! 🩷🩵🩷

  2. Ooh! How fun!!! Let’s see would you write out “I cannot forsake my faith for freedom” pretty please thanks so much! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Sure! Great quote! Was that by Perpetua Vibia? Thanks! I’ll do it soon here… have a day as beautiful as you! 🩵❤️🩵🩷

  3. One of your presidents once said something like, 'It's amazing what you can achieve if you're prepared to not take the credit for it'.

    1. Okay, sounds great! Thanks for the response! 🩷🩵🩷🩵

  4. LOL
    I was trying to skip this but you convinced me to stop.
    I know you girls love ballet but I love it more. LOL
    So I have a ballet one
    Dancers are the athletes of God.
    I believe this was by Albert Einstein?

    1. Haha! Okaaay…
      Sounds beautiful! Yes, that is by Albert Einstein! Love the quote!
      I’ll be happy to do it soon here… 🩷🩵🩰

  5. Part of Proverbs 15:13
    "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance"
    That would be lovely of you!💖

    1. Sure! Sounds great! 🩷🩵
      I will love to do it soon!


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