What you really need…

We make plans… but sometimes, God has a better plan. ❤️
It was quite sad to me what little response I received from my poor, little readers… Is the Lord really speaking nothing to you? That’s sad. I mean, you should hear from God every single day!
Whether it’s through the Bible, prayer or even somebody else,
I hope that God speaks something to you today. 
Kinda feel burdened for you all now… 
Definitely keeping you all in my prayers for sure.
I wanted to share this beautiful poetic piece of literature by an unknown Soldier. 



  1. I should’ve said something I will now 😏
    Love this concept! ❤️

  2. 🩵 Good poem (or whatever it is). Good thing that God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we'd like Him to. He knows us better than we know ourselves, though we may find that hard to believe. 🙂

  3. Beautiful poem. Amen.

    Whatever my exhortation is is what is usually what I feel He is highlighting or speaking to me. Mostly inspired by what I read that day or a verse coming to mind. I felt the Lord telling me to slow down yesterday, as sometimes I feel rushed because I'm worried about running out of energy.

  4. Thanks, y’all. ❤️
    Elizabeth, It’s no problem! I’m glad you enjoyed. 🩷
    MJ, Yes, most definitely! I know I’ve prayed for things that I didn’t truly need, and thank God His answer was “No.”
    Haha, I don’t know if it’s a poem or not either.
    Elaina, thank you. I understand. ❤️
    Yes, sounds beautiful! We all have to slow down sometimes! 🩷

  5. I was reading Isaiah earlier and it occured to me how easily we deceive ourselves into thinking that we are giving God the glory when in reality this is just false humility. To give God the glory is simply to acknowledge the truth - that everything we achieve would be impossible without God. I suppose I'm just stating the obvious really but we still somehow manage to kid ourselves that 'we did it by ourselves/our idols'.
    I got there in the end didn't I? Better late than never. 🙂

    1. Whoa! What a lovely long comment!
      🩷 I so appreciate you taking the time to type this out/share! The seemingly “obvious” needs to be payed extra attention to, and I verily perceive that this was a word fitly spoken. ❤️ Absolutely agree with this. Amen. 🩵
      Have a blessed day, or night, or… you know! Whatever it is when you read this! 💛🤍💛


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