Performing our duties… 🩷✨

We all have a duty to carry out…
May we do it with all of our hearts!πŸ’• 
I do try… as much as it appears that I probably don’t, I promise that I really am always trying to do the right thing.
I feel like I’ve likely failed a few people in my life. 
I dunno… not that I meant to, but, you know. 
I wanted to be there for them for as long as the earth stood, and then… yeah. Things happened.

Love and prayers for you all, Faith 🩷

And that, is exactly how I feel… ⬇️


  1. You're doing great sis ☺️❤️

  2. 🩡 Yes, I've failed a few people too - well, quite a lot actually. πŸ˜„ No, not funny really, I know. πŸ˜”

    1. Aww… well, we all have room to improve! 🩷 You will probably never know how much it has at least meant to these random girls in Virginia how much you being here means! (Like, seriously, we all really, truly appreciate you, MJ! 🩡🩡🩡)
      So, you certainly haven’t failed in that area! 😊
      Unfortunately, some people I’ve failed was a direct obedience to one person, while causing others pain. Life is perfectly complicated sometimes! πŸ™ƒ
      Sorry for the long response! 🩡
      Oh, and I meant to answer you yesterday! Oops!

    2. ☺️ Aww, thank you. Yes life can certainly get complicated, can't it. πŸ™‚

    3. 🩡🩷🩡


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