🪦 RIP 💔

My precious mug, my little baby, my sentimental gift from the girl that I love…
Today we bid thee farewell. 
You have been good to me my dear mug. Coffee after coffee, a few teas here and there maybe even a latte or two. 
Hosanna crushed your poor porcelain into the sink, leaving not only your handle, but my heart broken as well. 💔 😭
Do you all remember the day when I introduced the world’s cutest and my favorite mug to you all? 
Anyway, on the real, it is sad! 
But I’m not one to make a big deal or freak out about just things, so Hosanna got no reprimanding about it.
If you make a fuss about something, you’re just stressing yourself out and wasting time. 
Sorry for the ridiculous post, I’m feeling like a child at the moment! 😅



  1. Goodbye ol mug! I hope Faith let you see a few black coffees!

    1. Oh, yes! It saw plenty of black coffees… before the cream was added! 😅

  2. 😢 Are you going to have a little burial service? 🤭

    1. It was properly placed into the garbage can this morning, after Grace suggested that to keep it around was a “hoarder spirit!”😅 She’s right tho, so I threw it away!


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