What a beautiful day!!! ☀️

Guess what??? 
It got up to 61 darling degrees today!!! ☀️
I do believe I deal with a mild case of seasonal affective disorder over winter. 
Oh, it was gorgeous! 
I even got a little sunburn! ( I like getting sunburned… weird, I guess).
Just wanted to share some pics of the goaties and chicken babies! ☺️
We take them for walks on their harnesses to get them used to it. We’re actually planning on showing some goats this year. 
🩷 This is Lily 🩷
(Eating the bark off the chicken run handle! 😅)
Okay, I haven’t told y’all yet, but………
Lily married Gideon (AKA Bluetiful) back in November and… She’s due to kid at the end of March!!!! 🩵🩵🩵
You guys, those are gonna be THE CUTEST kids!!!
Blue eyed Lily kids… 🥹
Today we could feel baby hooves for the first time! 
Sorry if this is boring, but I just really miss baby goats and I’m gettin all excited! 😜 
Lily 🩷🩷🩷 The queen of the herd. 👑 
Hava 🩷
Hava with Shoshana baby… poor shoshe is so little! Buds is way bigger than his mommy! 🩷
Hosanna with some chicken eggs..🥚 🩷🩷

My Wyndall cuddles… (unfortunately, all the Roos have a touch of frostbite from this harsh winter…)

Enter British accent—Wyndall: “Oh, dear me! You’re ruffling my feathers!”
Nothin like layin in the sunshine!!☀️ ☀️☀️☀️

Joy 🩷🩷
Amos 🩵🩵🩵

Zoe 🩷🩷🩷

Dirt bath party in the sunshine! ☀️ 



  1. I was wondering if the blue eyed goat would have babies at some point :)
    It's still cold here. Hopefully it will warm up soon. I do believe I also deal with that condition in winter. So always thankful when the sun comes out.
    It would be fun to see the goat show pics. 🐐

    1. As soon as the Campbells offered us Gideon, I planned on him and Lily having the cutest kids together! 😁
      The blue eyed male gene always overpowers, and produces blue eyes! 🩵🩵🩵 I’m so excited!
      It’s back to cold again here today too. Unfortunately.

    2. That's interesting because in humans the brown eyes are dominant (I was kind of hoping some of mine would have green eyes). I learned a new thing :)
      How long are they usually pregnant?

    3. For five months. ☺️

  2. 🩵🥰 Congratulations Lily and Gideon. Your kids are going to be adorable.


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