Relentless love… šŸ’—

Good morning! ☀️ 
Love people for who they are, not for what they have! šŸ©µ 
Thanks for the support, y’all! 
(And to the kuhzillion silent viewers!) 
I always appreciate it. šŸ©·



  1. Thou hast well said and fitly spoken. One of the most important tests in life by God that MOST FAIL is this very thing. Simply put, if you had fame and fortune, folks would not Judas betray you. Bingo. Holy Ghost axe to the root. Profound charge, Doll Daughter. Blessings,
    -dad ☝️ šŸ”„


    1. Yes, true!
      All glory to God! Thank you for the kind words, Dad! šŸ©µšŸ©µšŸ©µ


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