Two days! ☀️☀️☀️

Hello my lovely readers!!! 🩵
Two more days until daylight savings time begins! ☀️✨
Spring is in the air…
And my goats can get bathed, and give birth, and I can waste my entire Spring and Summer with baby goat kids!
😍 (Well, I’d love to anyway…) 
 Buddy got in my lap day before yesterday, even though he’s a pretty big Buck now, but look, that’s because I trained him to be a lap Buck! 😘

I know I’ve already shared these, but it’s one of my favorite moments with Buds! He’s a real good boy! 🩵🩵

Sometimes a little bit is more than a lot! It’s the little things in life that really matter, y’all! 🩵🩵🩵 🩷✨



  1. Thou, MeChild, albeit all grown now, are of my most favourite of people. Neat charge. 2 Cor. 8:9 has this concept! Amen, Sister Daughter.
    -dad ☝️ 🔥

    1. Aww… Your my favorite Dad ever!!! (And an all time favorite human too!) 🩵🩵🩵✨

  2. This is such a super cute picture! 😍
    I can’t stop thinking about goat babies myself!

    1. Thank you! Oh, I bet! One of my friends was sending me pics of her brother’s goats that were born, and it’s making me really want some NOW! 😅

  3. Amen sis 🙏🏻 🩷

    And yay for spring ☺️😊🌱🌷🏵☀️


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